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What to Expect Upon Arrival at the School

Updated: Oct 2, 2024

According to the Collective Agreement sections shown below, Occasional Teachers must be provided with a handbook upon arrival at the school. Occasional Teachers should also be provided with a key upon arrival.  Please also check the Collective Agreement for additional expectations and rights (ex. Timetable and Lunch Break Expectations, Article 17.02).

Article 17.06

  1. The Occasional Teacher Information Handbook shall be available in the school to Occasional Teachers [...and] be updated annually by September 30th of each school year.

  2. The Occasional Teacher Handbook shall include, but is not limited to the following:

    1. A map of the school yard;

    2. Emergency procedures (e.g. Fire Drills, evacuation procedures, tornado response, lockdown procedures code protocols);

    3. Attendance procedures;

    4. A summary outlining the expectations regarding school discipline code and other pertinent policies;

    5. Supervision schedule(s) and protocols (including inclement weather schedule);

    6. Bus lists, arrival and dismissal procedures; and,

    7. A list of students with prevalent medical conditions in the school and the required response plan(s).

    An administrator or designate shall provide a class list, timetable for teacher and students, seating plan, and a list of students identified with special education needs, including accommodations and modifications.

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