According to the Collective Agreement section shown below, a Long Term Occasional Teacher is eligible to up to two days of absence without pay (with conditions). Please read more information below.
Article 15.09
Up to two (2) days of absence without pay, prorated according to FTE, may be granted during the school year to teachers in Long Term Assignments.
Such leave requests will be subject to the approval of the Principal and the Director or designate and will not be unreasonably denied. Should a leave be denied, the teacher may request a rationale be provided. Approval will not normally include the extension of holiday periods, Parent-Teacher interviews as referenced in the Elementary Teachers' Collective Agreement or EQAO testing weeks.
For the purpose of this Article, holiday periods mean Thanksgiving, Christmas Break, Family Day, March Break, Easter, Victoria Day and commencement or conclusion of summer break.
Leaves will be subject to the availability of daily occasional teachers.